I don’t know what to hope for…


If I wanted the Republican party to become such a laughingstock that their brand would never recover…

Who would I want to become the Republican nominee?

Gingrich, he of multiple affairs and divorces? Who took more than $1.6 million from Freddie Mac while claiming he wasn’t a lobbyist?

Romney, of the casual $10,000 bet and the bending with the political wind?

Perry, who disrespects people in uniform if they don’t conform to his sexual binary and wants to make the country a theocratic one?

Or, alternatively:

If I wanted to have a few good ideas to enter the popular consciousness, who to root for?

Huntsman or Paul? One a moderate Republican who hasn’t lost his mind with most of the other nominees, the other a Libertarian who, despite seeming to have lost his mind, has some really good ideas and articulates them well?

One Response to “I don’t know what to hope for…”

  1. Immigration as economic driver (And why aren’t more Republicans like Jon Huntsman?) « David's Slingshot Says:

    […] Huntsman, the token sane Republican presidential candidate who I previously hoped would be the Republican nominee, points out that we should be considering immigration for its economic benefits rather than as a […]

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